Philosophy ETDs

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The aim of this dissertation is to address the importance and significance of Heidegger's engagement with the Greeks and the ways in which his views are commensurate with ecofeminism and the insights that a study of that intersection provides. I defend the thesis that a proper return to myth and art as a means by which the transcendental realities that constitute the phenomenology of our embodied existence may be better understood is what may allow us to truly dwell in the Heideggerian sense and live full lives rich in meaning and value. My methodology might best be described as a look at certain issues of contemporary significance through the creative examination of historical texts using a phenomenological hermeneutics of comparative philosophy. By examining key concepts in Heidegger's thinking and their role in ancient philosophy, as well, I establish an alternative conception of truth and what that concept reveals. This is further made clear by examining Heidegger's thoughts on the poet and poetry and the role and purpose it should play. I then bring in the ecofeminist critique, highlighting the relevant intersections with Heidegger, then lay out criticisms raised by Nietzsche and compare differences in thought between Nietzsche and Heidegger as explained by Iain Thomson. A look at the mythological figure of Lilith and how the thought of Giorgio Agamben provides further insight and an undeniable co-incidence of relevant concepts further solidify the common goal and project of both Heidegger and Ecofeminism, especially as articulate by Trish Glazebrook. I conclude with a call for the overthrow of our strict system of binaries, and I advocate that in the discipline of environmental philosophy there is a third alternative to the binaries of anthropocentrism and ecocentrism that answers the objections and shortcomings of each of the binaries. This I call Daseincentrism.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Bussanich, John

Second Committee Member

Murphy, Ann

Third Committee Member

Recker, Doren




Heidegger, Ecofeminism, Environmental Ethics, Phenomenology, Agamben, Dwelling, Myth, Art, Daimones, Nietzsche, Ecophenomenology

Document Type

