Read me for Interaction and Disciplinary Design in Educational Activity [IDDEA] Lab Document creation date: 2013-02-13 This document contains the protocols and definitions used in data management and workflow management for all IDDEA Lab projects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATORS of data [abbreviations] -Added in 2011-2012 --Vanessa Svihla [VS] --Kersti Tyson [KT] --Elizabeth Yakes [EY] --Nicholas Kvam [NK] --Natalie Furst [NF] --Isaac Valdez [IV] --Mathew Dahlgren [MD] -Added in 2012-2013 --Justin Boyle [JB] --Abigail Stiles [AS] --Stephanie Sample [SS] --Michelle Garcia-Olp [MG] --Hannah Bowers [HB] --Jennifer Buntjer [JBu] --Sushilla Knottenbelt [SK] --Andrea Cantarero [AC] --Justin Hertel [JH] --Jeffrey Bowles [JBo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECTS [abbreviations] -prior projects (begun pre 2011) --(Vanessa Dissertation here) --(Kersti Dissertation here) --(Justin Dissertation here) -added 2011-2012 --Interactive Learning Assessment [ILA] ---ILA subprojects/cases: [C1] --Supporting Practice, Integrating Research in Immersive Technologies into Educational Designs SPIRITED [SP] ---SP subprojects: DomeStroids [SPDS] and ClimateDome [SPCD] --Exploring Learning and Teaching in Interdisciplinary Design ELaTID [EL] ---EL subprojects: CodeCamp [ELCC]; TED [ELTED]; ACE [ELACE]; BME [ELBME] --Listening [LI] -added 2012-2013 -- Developing Underutilized Methods for Promoting Sustainable Technologies in Education & Research DUMPSTER [DU] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE NAMING PROTOCOL [Project abbreviation]-[creator abbreviation]-[type of data abbreviation and subtype of data abbreviation]-[2013-02-12T15:34:36]-[choose one from list below].[file format] -Including XX for missing or irrelevant pieces, except for T, which can be omitted Choose from this list: -Learning Objects [Instructor ID or Creator name if listed above][Short name] -Design Materials Ð no suffix warranted at this time -Study design, protocol, and measures - no suffix warranted at this time EXCEPT for IRB, which should include the approval status and official IRB number. -Research Data [information about the setting such as participant ID, camera ID][version/# of total] -Publications [where published] --note, use first author initials for creator, and publication or presentation date rather than document creation date; use 00 for unknown day or month, but replace these as soon as date is known. Replace date of online publication with date of print publication where relevant. Examples: -SPDS-MD-LOR-2012-07-22-MDHwk1.docx -SPDS-MD-DME-2012-06-10.pdf -SPDS-NK-RDFN-2012-07-09-clssrm-1of1.docx -SPDS-VS-SDP-2012-07-11.docx -SPDS-VS-P-2013-00-00-AERA.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPES OF DATA [abbreviation] definitions subtypes [suffix abbreviation] and specifications about naming conventions -Learning Objects [LO] any curricular materials created or used in research. This includes course syllabi where relevant, assignments given in a course under study. --Syllabus [S] Short name includes course ID (deidentified study code) if relevant --Rubric [R] Short name includes info to tie it to particular assignment --Assignment [A] Short name includes info about category (discussion questions, worksheets, homework, papers, etc., but not the completed materials (these are Research data)) --Handouts [H] Short name includes # of total if needed --Lectures [L] Short name includes # of total if needed and may include abbreviated description of powerpoint slides or other instructional materials -Design Materials [DM] include any notes, audio recordings, and drafts of design plans, whether these focus on designing learning objects or study design. --Audio records [AR] --Transcripts of audio records [T] --Meeting Notes [MN] --Drafts of plans [DP] --Images or other partial components of designs [IM] --Emails about design [E] where creator is first email sender for longer conversations -Research Data [RD] include actual data from participants. --Audio records [AR] including interviews and field records --Field Notes [FN] --Reflective Notes [RN] --Video records [VR] --Transcripts of audio or video records [T] --Measures of Learning [ML] such as pre or post tests --LogFiles [LF], including sequenced data arrayed over time --Survey responses [S] --Discussion threads [DS] --Artifacts of learning such as scanned student work [AL] -Study design, protocol, and measures [SD] includes IRB documents --IRB protocol [IRB] --Study protocol [P] --Study grant proposal [GP] --Interview questions [IQ] --Pretest [PR] --Mid-test or embedded assessment [ME] --Posttest [PO] --Survey questions [SQ] --Coding framework or list of codes [C] --Workflow documents [WF] or documents detailing analysis or other specific procedures undertaken -Publications [P] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FORMATS we should aim for: [open format that is lossless] -video: .mov -audio: .mp3 -image: .png [Archival format is TIFF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METADATA that should be included -creators -IRB coverage/privacy coverage -methods[data collection, data analysis, population] -dates created -variables -definitions