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Candomble faithful collecting offerings for the festivities in honor of the orixa Omulu (syncretized as St. Roque or St. Lazarus). The woman is carrying caramelized popcorn which she gives in exchange for money that is placed at the foot of the saint representing Omulu carried by the young girl. There are no official figures, but the Candombles have been growing, appealing to people of all classes and races. Salvador has the largest and most traditional Candomble centers in the nation. Cidade Baixa and Alta (Part 11)Fiéis do Candomblé arrecadando donativos para as festividades em honra ao orixá Omulu (sincretizado como São Roque ou São Lázaro). A mulher está carregando pipocas caramelizadas que ela dá em troca de dinheiro que é colocado aos pés do santo, representando Omulu, que está sendo carregado pela jovem menina. Embora não existam figuras oficiais, o Candomblé vem crescendo, atraindo pessoas de todas as classes e raças. Salvador tem os maiores e mais tradicionais centros de Candomblé do país.


Latin American and Iberian Institute / University of New Mexico


Brazil Slide Series Collection: This article is copyrighted by the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) of the University of New Mexico. Rights permission is for standard academic, non-commercial, use of these materials. Proper citation of this material should include title, author, publisher, date, and URL. Copyright Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico 1988


Brazil: Salvador, Bahia
