Speech and Hearing Sciences ETDs

Publication Date



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of a graduated prompting format for measuring modifiability in a screening context among preschool children with bilingual experience. The dynamic assessment framework, including graduated prompting, is an alternative to traditional, static assessment of language impairment. Performance on four dynamic language tasks by 16 typically developing 4-year-olds with more English than Spanish experience was compared to performance of 16 matched children on static versions of the same tasks. These included novel adjective learning, semantic comparison, phonological awareness, and false-belief theory of mind tasks. When prompted responses were credited, the dynamic group performed significantly higher than the static group on three out of four language tasks. Unlike the static group, the dynamic group showed significant within-task improvement on the semantic comparison and false-belief tasks. These findings suggest graduated prompting is a viable format for measuring modifiability compared to traditional static screening.

Degree Name

Speech-Language Pathology

Level of Degree


Department Name

Speech and Hearing Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Rodriguez, Barbara

Second Committee Member

Dale, Philip




Language arts (Preschool), Prompting (Education), Dynamic assessment (Education)

Document Type

