Sociology ETDs

Publication Date



In the present study I analyze the relationship between migrant remittances, development and political transformation across 46 municipios located in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. Using Guanajuato as a case study, my research addresses fundamental questions regarding the impact of remittances in Mexico: How, if at all, do migrants influence economic development and political change across the state? How does the impact of direct remittances to individual families compare to the impact of remittances channeled through collective structures? The crux of this study lies at the intersection of these inquires, and although my analysis is limited in scope, the results outlined in Chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6 point to one overarching theme: Remittances alone do not drive long-term development. Rather, in the long run meaningful remittance-led economic development and democratic change—measured by gains in health care, education, economic growth, and civic participation and transparency—require a deep and authentic partnership between economic actors, members of civic society and local government. As the results outlined in this study reveal, the program 3x1 para migrantes has the potential to underpin this type of relationship.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Fiala, Dr. Robert

Second Committee Member

Fontenla, Dr. Matias

Third Committee Member

Garcia y Griego, Dr. Manuel

Project Sponsors

Fulbright Program


remittance-led development, democracy, migrants, decentralization



Document Type

