Earth and Planetary Sciences ETDs


Amy Ellwein

Publication Date



According to the University of New Mexico's Office of Graduate Studies, this dissertation follows a hybrid format; the chapters were written as manuscripts to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals. Chapter 1 was published in the journal Quaternary Research (May, 2011) and chapters 2 and 3 will be submitted to appropriate journals soon after this dissertation is published. Chapter 1 announces new age determinations for previously unstudied topographically-controlled eolian deposits and older ages for sand sheets than were reported by previous investigators. Chapter 2 focuses on the distribution, age, and geomorphic implications of topographically-controlled eolian deposits on Black Mesa. Chapter 3 describes the role of advanced soil profile development on the stability of eolian systems; a factor generally overlooked by researchers interested in quantifying the relative activity of sand dunes. Appendix A contains the results of tests that determine the efficacy of samples used in optically stimulated luminescence dating in all three manuscripts.

Degree Name

Earth and Planetary Sciences

Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Meyer, Grant

Second Committee Member

McAuliffe, Joseph

Project Sponsors

Center for Rapid Environmental Assessment & Terrain Evaluation (CREATE-UNM); The Geological Society of America




eolian, semiarid, soil geomorphology, Black Mesa, Moenkopi Plateau, dunes

Document Type

