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Publication Date

March 2009


Coffee plantation casarão (big house) in southern Minas Gerais. Coffee was labor intensive and when the slavery economy went into crisis in the mid-Nineteenth century, planters, with Dom Pedro's approval, encourag ed European immigration. Portuguese, spanish, Italian, German and later even Japanese worke rs arrived in larg e numbers. ln addition, the abolitionist movement grew stronger in the 1860s, and slavery was gradually restricted and then finally abolished in 1888. Many of the nation's landowners, especially from the traditional Northeast, began to resent Dom Pedo II. The agricultural elite found an ally in the military, which increased its influence after the war with Paraguay. Dom Pedro was forced into exile in 1889 bringing the military to power. The military would become Brazil's most powerful institution in the Twentieth century.Casarão da fazenda de plantação de café ao sul de Minas Gerais. O café requeria trabalho intensivo e quando a economia escrava entrou em crise na metade do século XIX os agricultores, com a aprovação de D. Pedro II, encorajaram a imigração européia. Trabalhadores portugueses, espanhóis, italianos, alemães e mais tarde, os japoneses, chegaram em grande número. Além disto, o movimento abolicionista tornou-se mais forte na década de 1860, e a escravidão foi restringida gradualmente e finalmente abolida em 1888. Muitos dos fazendeiros da nação, especialmente da zona tradicional do Nordeste, começaram a ressentir-se contra D. Pedro II. A elite agrícola encontrou nos militares um aliado, o que aumentou sua influência após a guerra com o Paraguai. D. Pedro II foi forçado ao exílio em 1889, que trouxe os militares ao poder. Os militares se tornariam a instituição mais poderosa do do Brasil no século XX.


Latin American and Iberian Institute / University of New Mexico


Brazil Slide Series Collection: This article is copyrighted by the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) of the University of New Mexico. Rights permission is for standard academic, non-commercial, use of these materials. Proper citation of this material should include title, author, publisher, date, and URL. Copyright Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico 1993


Brazil: Brasilia
